It’s the beginning of the school year, and while you can set goals at any time of year, the start of a new school year is a great time to sit down with your kids and talk about setting goals. Whether you want to focus on academic or communication goals, or something more personal like additional responsibility in the home, setting goals creates a clear benchmark for your child to aim for. Even if your child is beyond their schooling journey, most continue to associate September with new routines and responsibilities.
A simple goal conversation can have a big impact on both academic success and personal growth. We frequently discuss therapeutic goals with clients in an effort to boost ownership, confidence, and intrinsic motivation. Here’s why it’s so beneficial:
1. Encourages Ownership and Responsibility When kids set their own goals, they feel a sense of ownership over their objectives. They become more responsible for their learning and may be more likely to stay motivated and focused throughout the year.
2. Builds Confidence Discussing goals helps children recognize their strengths and areas where they want to improve. By setting realistic and achievable goals, they can experience success, which boosts their confidence and self-esteem.
3. Enhances Communication Regular conversations about goals strengthen the parent-child relationship. It opens up lines of communication, making it easier for kids to seek guidance and support when challenges arise.
4. Teaches Planning and Problem-Solving Skills Goal-setting requires learners to think ahead, plan, and anticipate obstacles. This process helps them develop valuable critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
5. Promotes a Growth Mindset By discussing goals, you encourage your children to adopt a growth mindset—the belief that their abilities can improve with effort. This mindset fosters resilience and a positive attitude towards learning, helping them to persevere even when faced with difficulties.
We believe that the more we can involve our clients in their goals for communication, the better their intrinsic motivation. Taking the time to talk with your kids about their goals at the start of the school year can set a positive tone for the months ahead. It’s a simple yet powerful way to support their learning and communication journey, and personal development.